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Sabras Radio marks Mental Health Awareness Week

Today at 10:59, for the first time in history, Sabras Radio, along with hundreds of radio stations across the UK will be coming together to broadcast the #MentalHealthMinute –  a one-minute message from some world famous voices to let everyone know that whoever you are, however you’re feeling and whatever you’re going through, it’s okay to say.

The #MentalHealthMinute falls in Mental Health Awareness Week 2018, and the message will be broadcast today (Tuesday 15th May 2018) at 10:59.

The Duke of Cambridge, Prince Harry, Lady Gaga, Dame Judi Dench, Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill & David Harewood have all come together to take part.

In an historic first, over 300 stations are taking part, uniting stations all over the UK from national networks such as those run by Global, Bauer or Wireless, to smaller local stations and community stations, together with BBC Radio 1, Radio 2, and Five Live. The message will be broadcast to one of radio’s biggest collective audiences with an average listenership of 20 million.

The Mental Health Minute has been led by Radiocentre and The Radio Academy, and has been executed by content agency Somethin’ Else. We are delighted that the moment will be in support of Heads Together and our eight charity partners.

As well as the #MentalHealthMinute , Sabras Radio will also be broadcasting interviews with resident doctor, Dr Rajiv Wadhwa on various shows including 'Afternoon Delights' (Tuesday), 'Drivetime' (Wednesday), '6-2-8 Show' (Thursday) and 'Breakfast' (Friday).