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Sabras Radio extends Shabad Gurbani for Vaisakhi

Sabras Radio has extended its Shabad Gurbani slot to coincide with Vaisakhi celebrations.

Starting from Monday 9th April, Sabras Radio will broadcast extend its one-hour Shabad Gurbani slot from 05:00 - 06:00 to 04:00 - 06:00. It will be a two-hour special slot, which will air everyday until the end of this month.

Sabras Radio will also be announcing its Vaisakhi event, which takes place at Sabras Radio studios later this month.

Raj Baddhan, Director, Sabras Radio said, "We celebrate every festival in a big way on Sabras Radio and once again, we've put all our efforts in on not just the entertainment aspect but also the religious front. This shows our commitment in giving our listeners to celebrate and understand the meaning of Vaisakhi."